IoT OnOff®

Internet Of Things
Certificates updated on 19 December 2019
The most easy way of working with TLS is buying a server certificate from a know trusted Certificate authority (CA).
But if you really want to work with self created certificates, this guide can help you.
Steps to follow:
Install tool to create Certificates.
OpenSSL is one of the most used tools for this.
During this guide we will use "certmgr" a tool on top of OpenSSL.
Install the tool from here: (link)​​

When you start "certmgr"
​a command window will open ​...
a browser will open with management screens to create certificates.

Create Certificate Database
First thing you need to do is creating a new database for storing your certificates.​
It is not really a database, it is just a new directory structure.
On windows you can find the output under: C:\Users\xxx\.certmgr-db
for each new database, a sub directory will be created
Choose RSA Certificates!​
Name is not important.
When database is created, you need to create CA root certificate

CA root certificate
Key Size, minimum 2018 bits​
Signature sha256
Days, for IOS less than 825!
Other fields are not that important.

When CA root is created, you can create Server certificate.
Click on ​"Create Certificate"

​Server certificate
Key Size, minimum 2018 bits​
Signature sha256
Days, for IOS less than 825!
Common Name needs to be your domain name!
It does not need to be the name of the host where the broker is running, but the name that you use to access the broker!​
The tool will copy that name also automatically to the Alternative Name, this is required for TLS.

​Output should look like this

Following files are important:
ca.pem​ => CA root certificate
- => Server certificate
- => Server private key
The name of the files will be different but that does not matter.
the MQTT broker needs all the three files!
the CA root certificate needs to be installed on your devices!​
Install CA root certificate on iPhone:
Steps to follow:
Install CA root certificate
Copy the CA root certificate to iPhone via iCloud storage or another storage service. (Or just send a mail)
Double touch the certificate and follow the instruction.
Go to settings > General > Profile > list of certificates.
Install pending certificate.​
Trust the CA root certificate​
After installing the CA root certificate, the certificate needs to be activated.
Go to Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings > Find your CA root certificate and activate it.
There could be different install behavior depending the version of IOS.
Install CA root certificate on Android:
Make the CA root certificate available for the mobile device via a storage service or an SD-card.
Double touch the certificate and follow the instruction.
The certificate itself can be found at:
Go to settings > Personal: Security & Lock screen > Advanced: Credential storage > Trusted credentials > Users
If you use Mosquitto broker:
Copy the three files to the configuration directory.​
Change the configuration file like this:

This is just an example configuration file for mosquitto broker.
Remove listeners 1883 and 80 if you would like to support TLS only.​
​Convert certificates:
By default, the tool is generating *.pem files.
You can use OpenSSL to convert these *. pem files to other formats.
Example: openssl x509 -outform der -in ca.pem -out ca.cer
Together with the installation of the tool you will have now OpenSSL as well.
On a windows environment, the tool was installed at: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\certmgr
At that location you will find a sub directory for OpenSSL.
At the full path to your environment variables and you can access OpenSSL from any location.